Home » Karen’s Korner: Each season is special

Karen’s Korner: Each season is special

by Minden Press-Herald

Karen’s Korner

I felt a nip of Fall in the air this morning. I love these cooler mornings.
What a blessing after such a hot summer. Seasons come and go, but there is always something special about each one.

The freshness of Spring. It is so welcomed after the cold dark winter that precedes it. Fresh blooms, beautiful trees, bursting out in all of their glory. New growth with so much greenery, and varieties of colorful flowers and plants are everywhere. You can smell the freshness in the air.

Then, the laid-back Summer months, with the warm, sometimes too warm temperatures, that allow us to get outside for picnics, the beach, and the summer activities. Fresh mown yards, great smells from the grill. Kids and adults alike, swimming and enjoying the afternoons, what fun.

The beauty and mystery of Fall. The brilliant colors of orange, red, yellow, and a mixture of God’s hues on His beautiful palette of creation. Leaves falling and the odor of pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving dinner, and a fire in the fireplace. There are football kick-off parties with popcorn, dip and chips! Fall is here!

Winter is the final season with brisk winds, possible snow, and wonderful thoughts of Christmas, with wreaths, and smells of pine candles burning in the windows to provide more light for the cold dark nights, and the brisk mornings as the sun rises. Here we are, wrapped in a blanket, with our coffee  and a good book, looking outside to see if those flakes are going to fall.

We all probably have a favorite, but like anything else in life, there are many different seasons and choices. We learn to appreciate, express gratitude and enjoy the many blessings from those seasons and choices we make.

My mind goes to a quote I recently read, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John F. Kennedy.

I am grateful for God’s gift of all seasons, and I wish the best Fall season for you all! Come see us at the Webster Parish Council on Aging!

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