Home » Karen’s Korner: How we reflect, adjust and prioritize

Karen’s Korner: How we reflect, adjust and prioritize

by Minden Press-Herald

Karen’s Korner

With the aging process, we all have to adjust our priorities. A unique set of experiences and adjustments are added to our existence as we age. Once we realize that these changes affect us in different and unique ways, we can somehow adjust. That is what we do with these changes as they happen. Some are subtle, and slip up on us, while others are very obvious and must be dealt with immediately.

“We begin to find solace in no longer being governed by irrational desires and whims. We highlight the shared journey of gaining a stronger sense of control and wisdom as we grow older, noting that our close friends have also echoed similar sentiments.” (copied – quote unknown)

As we age, we reflect more on the past and realize that appreciation for various aspects of life, encompassing friendships, careers, and families deepen.

As I think about it, as we age, we have a greater capacity to reflect, reject, or redirect.

When we think about it, “reflection” is the key to helping us adjust our priorities. In the Oxford Dictionary, reflection means: “serious thought or consideration!”  Reflection also helps us cope.

“Coping with change is difficult at any age and it’s natural to feel the losses you experience. However, by balancing your sense of loss with positive factors, you can stay healthy and continue to reinvent yourself as you pass through landmark ages of 60, 70, 80, and beyond.” (Helpguide.org)

The writer from the article in Helpguide.org., goes on to say, “As well as learning to adapt to change, healthy aging also means finding new things you enjoy, staying physically and socially active, and feeling connected to your community and loved ones.” 

So, there you go. There are always new choices, new adjustments, and new experiences for us, from which we learn.  It’s all in how we reflect, adjust and prioritize.

Have a great day and come and join us at the Webster Parish Council on Aging. You will find us at 1482, Sheppard Street, Monday through Friday, here in Minden.

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