Home Uncategorized La. to reshuffle letters, numbers on license plates

La. to reshuffle letters, numbers on license plates

by Associated Press

BATON ROUGE – The state of Louisiana is running low on the mix of letters and numbers that go on license plates.
Stephen Campbell, commissioner of the state Office of Motor Vehicles, said at some point they are going to run out of numerical combinations.
Officials say that point is less than a year away and plans are in place to redo the formula.

State Police Lt. J.B. Slaton says the current sequence of letter, letter, letter and number, number, number, will be rotated to number, number, number and letter, letter, letter. He says that should give the state another 20 years to issue plates.
Exactly when the change will begin is unclear. Slaton says it could be as soon as eight months from now

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