BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana businesses have started receiving the state’s first regulatory permits to sell CBD products, as new laws on hemp and CBD take effect.
The Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control on Monday started issuing temporary permits to sell legal CBD products, handing out 20 such permits to liquor stores, gas stations, CBD shops and other retailers. The Advocate reports the permits will expire next February when permanent regulations are expected to be written.
The agency, known as ATC, is the new regulator of CBD sellers under a law passed earlier this month that legalized hemp production and CBD products. Louisiana’s health department is in charge of permitting CBD product manufacturers, while the agriculture department will oversee the growth of hemp.
Hemp and CBD are in the cannabis family but contain only traces of the THC chemical compound that causes a high for marijuana users. Hemp is used in textiles, fuels and other products, while CBD is used in oils and lotions that product sellers claim can provide health benefits.
CBD was widely available in Louisiana in recent years, but state agencies recently began cracking down on sellers, arguing state law did not distinguish CBD from marijuana. Lawmakers drew the distinction during the legislative session that ended June 6 and laid out a host of regulations for CBD and hemp.
Now, hemp-derived CBD products can be sold if they have less than 0.3% THC. Sales of hemp or CBD products that can be inhaled or are included in alcoholic beverages are banned. Food products containing CBD are prohibited until the federal government approves CBD as a food additive.