Minden Medical Center welcomed its first baby of the year Monday.
Jeremiah Tyrese Scott was born at 12:30 p.m., weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces and was 18 and a half inches long.
His mother, Latrese Scott, 31, of Springhill, said he wasn’t due until Jan. 14. She was scared and nervous when she realized he was coming early, she said.
“It was a surprise, because I wasn’t expecting him for another couple of weeks,” she said. “I’m happy and joyful now that he’s here.”
MMC practices skin to skin contact between mom and baby to further strengthen the bonding process as well as a host of other benefits. Scott said she loves it and cried when she held him for the
first time.
With a new year come new hopes and new dreams. Scott said she wants to raise little Jeremiah to be a good man.
“I want to raise him right, give him a better life and give him the things I never had,” she said. “I want him to be a gentleman.”
She said she has a good support system with family and friends to help her out once she gets home.
Scott and her son will return to her home in Springhill once they are released from the hospital.