Home Uncategorized Minden Planning Commission approves zoning variances

Minden Planning Commission approves zoning variances

by Minden Press-Herald

The Minden Planning commission said yes to two variances at its monthly meeting Thursday morning.

Topping the agenda was a request from Greg and Laura Stanley for a zoning variance for their home and property located at 1415 Drake Drive to allow the grounds to be used for rental purposes.

Laura Stanley, right, explains the request for the zoning variance to commissioners at Thursday’s Minden Planning Commission meeting. Bruce Franklin/Press-Herald

Laura Stanley, right, explains the request for the zoning variance to commissioners at Thursday’s Minden Planning Commission meeting. Bruce Franklin/Press-Herald

Laura Stanley told commissioners the reason for the request was to allow people to use their property for events such as weddings and family reunions.

She said it will remain their primary residence and rules would be in place for events. They also plan to use a section of their property to accommodate parking.

The Stanley’s property is currently zoned R-1, which is single family residential. Commissioners unanimously gave approval.

Also on the agenda was a request from Omeria Peters for a variance to allow an additional mobile home to be placed on her lot at 903 Pine St.

Peters’ property is currently zoned R-3, single family residential, which allows for mobile homes. However, a brick home is already on the lot.

Peters said the request was so that her daughter could live nearby.

Commissioners ultimately gave unanimous approval.

After a 14-day appeals wait, the variances will become active.

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