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Fallen tree causes power outage

by Minden Press-Herald

A downed tree is to blame for the power outage in the southern end of the parish Wednesday into Thursday.

Officials with Claiborne Electric said a tree fell and broke a 55-foot transmission pole along the feeder line that runs from the Minden substation on U.S. Hwy 79. to the Heflin and Regency substations around 9:30 p.m. Wednesday.

“A tree fell and broke it (pole),” Joey White, manager of member relations said. “It was in a bad spot for us, the area was still flooded.”

White said because the area around the break was still under water, a company that specializes in transmission lines was brought in to assist in the repairs.

The outage affected around 2,000 customers and power was restored around 1:00 p.m. Thursday, White said. The outage prompted school district officials to cancel classes at Central Elementary in Dubberly and Lakeside Jr./Sr. High in Sibley.

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