As 2024 commences, Minden Police Chief Jared McIver takes stock of the substantial changes and enhancements implemented within the Minden Police Department during his tenure. After assuming office in early 2023, Chief McIver prioritized a multifaceted approach to elevate the department’s professionalism and efficiency.
Among the noteworthy initiatives was the establishment of the deputy chief position to ensure continuous command-level decision-making. Currently, the department boasts two deputy chiefs, Tokia Harrison and Chris Cheatham.
Training emerged as a focal point throughout the year, with officers attending diverse sessions, including the use of less-lethal force. Furthermore, officers transitioned into instructional roles, facilitating knowledge dissemination within the department. A dedicated training room was also added to support officers in staying abreast of evolving practices.
Achieving full staffing levels marked a significant milestone for the department, resulting in the formation of specialized teams to address specific issues. Notable additions include a Special Response Team, Drug Apprehension Response Team, two full-time narcotics officers, three detectives (including a juvenile detective), and two School Resource Officers. This expansion led to a restructuring of ranks.
In terms of equipment, substantial upgrades were made, encompassing a new computer system, two drones, updated uniforms and badges, body cameras, firearms, laptop computers for each officer, and additional patrol vehicles.
A standout accomplishment for the year was the successful removal of the TTS and CHS gangs from Minden, significantly enhancing the safety of residents.
Reflecting on the transformative year, Chief McIver attributed the success to divine guidance and a dedicated team sharing common ambitions. Chief McIver stated, “In 12 months time, the Minden Police Department has advanced beyond my expectations. All credit goes to God. Second, we have a great team that shares the same ambitions and goals and wants to see our department continuously grow. We strive to create a positive work environment that promotes men and women enjoying their job.”
With optimism, the Minden Police Department looks forward to sustaining this growth in the upcoming year.