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Minden set to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

by Minden Press-Herald

At 7 p.m. today a special candlelight vigil will be held at the Minden Civic Center, in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The vigil will officially kick off several days of celebration, honoring King’s life.

“Each year, the nation pauses to commemorate the life and legacy of an international hero, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” event coordinator Fayrine Kennon-Gilbert said.

The official holiday for this celebration is the third Monday in January each year. The 2015 local observance will be the 28th annual celebration for the City of Minden. The theme for the celebration is “Rise Up! Moving Forward in Unity to Restore the Dream!”

“All citizens of Minden, black and white, all denominations, faith-based organizations, civic and social group and businesses, are invited and encouraged to participate and re-commit our community to the ideals of Dr. King,” Kennon-Gilbert said.
Activities include:

Saturday, Jan. 17:

Minden Rec Complex Gym; Elementary, Jr. High, Girls and Boys Teams as well as Young Adult Teams will compete.

3 p.m. at The Farm

Sunday, Jan. 18:

3 p.m. at St. Rest Baptist Church. MLK Youth Leadership Award and Oratorical Contest Winners will be presented.

Monday, Jan. 19:


8 a.m. on MLK Drive;
Area Ministers and Community Leaders will lead the Unity March to sing and pray honoring the ministerial efforts of Dr. King and recommit to fostering unity in our community.

10 a.m. downtown Minden (with competition for best decorated float, best band performance, and most spirited group/organization)

Immediately following parade at the Minden Civic Center; The winners of the Parade Contest, Essay and Poster Contest Winners will be announced.

MLK Celebration Commemorative T-Shirts and ribbons are available.

For information and entry forms for MLK Celebration activities, contact Councilwoman Fayrine A. Kennon-Gilbert, Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee Chairperson at 377-0934 or 773-2289 or email [email protected].

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