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Organ selling bill passes Senate

by Minden Press-Herald

A Senate bill that would make it a felony to sell human organs from a planned abortion will now go to the House committee for consideration.

On its final stretch in the Senate, SB 33 passed without a hitch, 35-0. Sen. Ryan Gatti, District 36, says the bill is well on its way to becoming law.

“It was unanimous passage with little discussion,” he said. “It reinforces our state’s strong love and protection for our children. Children are our hope, our destiny and our future. They are not merchandise.”

Once it reaches the House, if passed out of committee, it will head to the House floor for debate. If passed out of the House, it will then head to Gov. John Bel Edwards for his signature.

Gatti introduced the bill in the wake videos splashed across national news reportedly showing financial transactions between physicians and representatives of Planned Parenthood for fetal organs from a planned abortion.

If passed into law, it would make it illegal to buy, sell or transport organs from a planned abortion. The penalty would be 10 to 50 years in prison with the first 10 without the benefit of probation, parole or suspension of sentence. A $50,000 fine may be imposed as well. This sentence would be imposed for each conviction.

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