After Clerk of Court Holli Vining approached the Webster Parish Police Jury about changing polling places for precincts at the alternative school, some digging was done and a solution could be at hand – but it won’t happen until next year.
Secretary Treasurer Ronda Carnahan says the changes can’t happen until next year because it’s so close to election day now. The issue came up in May about the alternative school and the poor condition of the school as a place for voters to cast their ballots. Vining suggested using the Forestry Building at the fairgrounds, but after some research, that building is booked for this year, Carnahan says.
“For this year, that is out,” she said. “We may at a later date decide to try to find something a little better. We’ve looked at the Forestry Building, we’ve looked at the Minden High School cafeteria, we’ve just looked at several places.”
She says Precinct 21, in Charlie Odom’s district (District 8), there are buildings within his district so they will have to keep those voters within that area.
Juror Jerri Lee’s precinct, Precinct 18, has 1,780 voters, and it will be proposed to move Precinct 18 from the alternative school to the civic center.
“If we’re going to move them, it will be a permanent move,” Carnahan said.
After some discussion with officials with the City of Minden, the civic center is big enough to accommodate the extra precincts and parking as well as handicapped access is available.
Precincts 17 and 21 will be left at the alternative school for this year’s election cycle.
Also up for discussion was Precinct 15, which has 311 registered voters. Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church has agreed to allow the use of their newly constructed multi-purpose building for a polling place. Carnahan, in a memo to jurors, says the facility has adequate parking, is handicapped accessible and very nice.
She says there are some issues with the current polling place, the Pleasant Valley Community House, and some have complained the drive to the church would be too far.
“Pleasant Valley Community House is in really bad shape,” she said. “There’s always plumbing issues, water issues. We really are looking for something else.”
It was tabled until the July meeting.