Home Public Notices Safe Thanksgiving Travel Begins with a Click

Safe Thanksgiving Travel Begins with a Click

by Minden Press-Herald

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, countless individuals are eagerly preparing to hit the roads and reunite with loved ones. The American Automobile Association estimates over 49 million people will embark on journeys of 50 miles or more by car during this time. With this in mind, Louisiana State Police will be actively patrolling our state’s highways throughout the Thanksgiving holiday travel period.

Troopers will be on the lookout for aggressive and impaired drivers, as well as motorists who neglect to wear seat belts or secure their children in appropriate restraints. Shockingly, statistics from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission reveal the majority of fatalities on Louisiana roadways involve the 15 percent of vehicle occupants who choose not to wear seat belts (based on observational surveys). While not all crashes are survivable, wearing a seat belt remains the most effective measure individuals can take to minimize the risk of injury in the event of a crash.

Louisiana law states that all occupants in the vehicle must utilize a seat belt and children must be properly restrained in the back seat in a safety child safety seat or booster seat appropriate for their age and size. Children who have outgrown a booster seat but are younger than 13 must be buckled up in the back seat, if one is available.  Remember: Click It or Ticket, both day and night.  The Click It or Ticket campaign will begin November 18 and is a statewide enforcement campaign.

For the most up-to-date information on road conditions, including closures and construction, please visit www.511la.org or dial 511 from any phone within Louisiana. Additionally, a 511 Louisiana phone app is available for download, and motorists can sign up for traffic alerts from the Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD).

We encourage motorists who witness hazardous road conditions and/or reckless drivers to call *LSP (*577) and report the activity to the nearest Louisiana State Police troop location.

The Louisiana State Police extends warm wishes for a safe and joyous Thanksgiving holiday to all.

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