Home » Springhill names Mr. and Miss Merry Christmas

Springhill names Mr. and Miss Merry Christmas

by Minden Press-Herald

Special to the Minden Press-Herald

The Springhill-North Webster Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the 2018 Mr. & Miss Merry Christmas representatives. The teachers at each school were asked to make nominations for a Mr. & Miss Merry Christmas to represent their school. Each school sent three female names and three male names for consideration for the title. A selection committee chose the winners for each school. Nominations were based on grades and activities both at school and in the community.

Representing North Webster High School were Mr. Merry Christmas Elijah Gibson and Miss Merry Christmas Caroline Franklin.

Junior Mr. Merry Christmas Jace Fish and Junior Miss Merry Christmas Claire Grant represented North Webster Junior High.

Little Mr. & Miss Merry Christmas at North Webster Upper Elementary were Tucker Downs and Xhailor McGlothan.

Braden Simmons and Carsyn Grant represented Brown Upper Elementary.

Tiny Mr. & Miss Merry Christmas were Trigger Davis and Bella Deaver from Browning Elementary and Parker Stewart and Emma Ridge from North Webster Lower Elementary.

These young people represented their schools in the Springhill-North Webster Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade on Saturday, Nov. 24.

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