Home NewsLife Talents are doubled when shared with friends

Talents are doubled when shared with friends

by Will Phillips

Contributed by Life Columnist Fannie Moore.

As we were sitting on the porch relaxing after a long day at the doctor’s appointment with Hubby, I looked across the yard and saw evidence of some gracious friends who shared their talents with me.

Liz and Sandra are blessed with the talent of growing beautiful flowers and sharing them with friends. I count myself fortunate to be among their friends and the recipient of some of their flowers.

Growing entwined on an old buggy wheel is a morning glory that we planted last year and it brought such joy to Hubby after he returned from the hospital. It was full of blue violet blooms and he spent many hours on the porch looking at this lovely gift from our friend. It has come back this year and he is now watching it closely, waiting for the first blooms to appear.

Sandra, who gave it to us, stopped by a few weeks ago to see if it was still living (she knows my talent for killing flowers) and was going to replace it if I had done it in. When she came she brought a tiny green shoot and suggested we could put it in the ground or in a pot. It will grow to a large size canna lily and will bloom an orange sherbet color. She said it reminded her of the orange push-ups we ate when we were children. Hubby planted it in a pot and it is growing tall and green. We’re looking forward to seeing the outcome later.

Also across the yard is a small althea bush from Liz. She gave me two, one white and one lilac, but, I lost one so I‘m not sure what I have as it hasn’t bloomed yet. She has shared others across the years, but I never have much luck with flowers. I water too much or too little and don’t give them the loving care their former owners did. Flower growing has never been among my talents, however, I enjoy the beautiful pictures they, and other friends share on Facebook.

And I admire their talents for growing them.

Growing flowers is a great talent, but I have other friends who have wonderful talents of painting beautiful pictures of flowers, people and farm scenes. Actually I don’t know if there is anything Deborah and Linda (Poncho) can’t paint. During the Christmas season, they were painting the little red truck that is such a popular sight at Christmas time. Some were hauling trees home to be decorated and some were just sitting  among deserted farms or various  places.

Linda painted one sitting in front of an old deserted house and it caught my eye. My daughter had given me a floral arrangement in a box that read “Country Roads Take Me Home” and I knew I had to have that painting to go with it. I inquired about the possibility that she might sell it and was told she needed to get it framed first, then she would let me know. I kept hoping she would decide to let me have it.

And, sure enough, she did. I woke one morning, looked out the door and there was a package. Inside was the picture, beautifully framed, and I fell in love all over again. I called to thank her for letting me have it and asked for a price. She graciously said, “It’s an anniversary gift for you two.” I was overwhelmed and reluctant to accept such a precious gift. She insisted, and I will forever be in her debt. It now hangs on the wall in my living room.

Deborah paints beautifully and as I was admiring the flowers she had painted, I suggested she should have them made into note cards. They would make great cards and I was sure she could sell them.

A few weeks later, she posted that she was picking the cards up from the printer the next day, so I immediately asked where and when I could get some.

Last week she came by and brought her beautiful cards and let me choose which ones I wanted. There were a variety of flowers and one of a cowboy out checking his herd and his fence. Reminds one of the movies we used to watch about the old west. Her cards were so beautiful that I wanted to buy one of every print, but I reluctantly refrained. Now, I have some beautiful cards that anyone would be delighted to receive.

But, now that I have them. I want to keep them all. Guess I’m not as generous as my sweet friends.

I will enjoy looking at them a while, then I will eventually part with them and let some of my other friends enjoy their beauty. (And let them know where they can get some like them)

These ladies don’t know how much I treasure their friendships and admire their talents. I know I can never repay them as I do not possess such wonderful talents as either of them.

Maybe I should send them a card.

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