Home Opinion There are those addressing deadly school violence

There are those addressing deadly school violence

by Minden Press-Herald

Last week, the Press-Herald ran a story about Webster Parish School officials, law enforcement, and school safety and security experts evaluating North Webster High School. This was but one in a series of such evaluations taking place throughout the entire parish.

In light of recent attacks throughout the nation, and even threats here, it is a good thing that Superintendent Johnny Rowland, the Webster Parish School Board and the entire Webster Parish School system are taking proactive steps to prevent such attacks from taking place here.

Nationally, despite the controversy over gun control some good steps are also being taken.

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation to train students, school officials, and local law enforcement on how to recognize and respond quickly to warning signs and provide funding for technology to keep schools safe.

The Student, Teachers, and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Act, supported by Congressman Mike Johnson, R, provides a multi-layered approach to identify threats and prevent violence from taking place on school grounds.

“Ensuring our children’s safety is of the utmost importance, and we are acting in Congress to ensure students are protected while at school. Putting an end to school violence begins with noticing the warning signs and knowing how to proceed when they are present,” Johnson said in a press release.

“The STOP School Violence Act educates students, school officials and local law enforcement on how to prevent tragedies before they happen. I am proud to have supported this legislation and look forward to continuing our efforts on this front.”

The deadly attack in Parkland, Fla. was a wake up call for us all. While those with political agendas continue to distract us, it is refreshing to see some taking real and positive steps to address the problem.

Our kids deserve to learn the “3 Rs” without fear for their lives. Thankfully, we have officials committed to making sure they stay safe.

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