Home News Village of Dixie Inn regular session will be held on February 14 

Village of Dixie Inn regular session will be held on February 14 

by Minden Press-Herald

The regular meeting of the Village of Dixie Inn will be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 5 p.m. The meeting takes place at the Village of Dixie Inn Village Hall, located at 60 Shell Street in Dixie Inn.

The agenda is as follows:

1. Call to order 

2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 

3. Additions to and public comment period on agenda items 

4. Welcome guests 

5. Adopt the minutes of the January regular session. 

6. Adopt the financial statements for January session 

7. Department reports 

  1. water/maintenance report 
  2. police report 
  3. aldermen’s reports 
  4. mayor’s report 

8: New business: 

  1. allow Mayor Donna Hoffoss to sign intergovernmental agreement with Minden City Court 
  2. appoint Lance Milligan as Mayor Pro Tem 
  3. approve quote to outfit the 2023 Tahoe from TEECO safety 

9: old business:

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