Home Uncategorized Voters to decide on parish road tax renewal Dec. 10

Voters to decide on parish road tax renewal Dec. 10

by Minden Press-Herald

Webster Parish registered voters will consider renewing millages for road districts in the parish that fund maintenance projects on Dec. 10.

Road districts A and B currently have a millage assessed on property in the respective districts that fund maintenance. That tax is up for renewal on the December ballot.

“It is imperative this tax is renewed and that voters understand this is not a new tax,” Ronda Carnahan, secretary/treasurer for the Webster Parish Police Jury explained during a recent finance committee meeting. “Without this tax, there is no way to secure revenue for the maintenance of our parish roads.”

In District A the tax renewal proposed would continue to levy 2.65 mill on property within the district, resulting in an estimated $437,250 annually to fund the construction, maintenance and repair of roads and bridges in the south end of the parish for the next 10 years.

The millage proposed for District B is 3.92 mill, resulting in an estimated $454,720 annually.

“The care of roads and bridges is one of the highest obligations and priorities for the jury,” parish attorney Patrick Jackson said at the finance committee meeting.

Jury President Jim Bonsall said there has been additional road maintenance needed in the parish due to the record setting floods last spring.

“We have worked with municipalities and there are still some projects to be complete,” he said at the finance committee meeting. “This tax renewal is absolutely necessary for our parish’s roads and the people that travel them every day.”

The revenue from the tax must be spent on roads and cannot be appropriated for any other purposes, or spent in other areas.

Voters who have questions about the millage are encouraged to contact the jury.

“We want people to understand how their tax dollars work and how important this renewal is,” Bonsall said.

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