Home » Webster High School Class of 1965 celebrates 50th reunion

Webster High School Class of 1965 celebrates 50th reunion

by Minden Press-Herald

“Dear Old Webster, We Love You” was the theme for the three day celebration of Webster High School Class of the 1965. The Minden Community House was the headquarters for the gathering of classmates from around the U.S. Friday evening was the opening reception with fellowshipping and refreshments. Of course dancing to old favorites of the sixties truly brought back fond memories of the past. Many classmates had not seen each other in fifty years.

The rainstorm the following Saturday morning could not dampen the excitement of the police escorted processional through our neighborhoods, by our old Webster campus and ending at the community house. Our fun-filled indoor picnic with plenty of food, games, pictures and reminiscing of years long gone was delightful.

A look at how we were then in our 1965 Wolf Yearbook and how we look now in 2015 was the highlight of the banquet on Saturday evening. We were most fortunate to have as honored guests some of our Webster High School teachers: Mrs. Thelda Walker Harris, Mrs. Betty Holliday, Mrs. Mabel Jones, Mrs. Adell Oliver and Mrs. Frankie Mitchell. Although not a Webster High Teacher, Mrs. Mary G. Thompson, the oldest of any of our teachers attended. Mrs. Yvette Hayes Edwards, daughter of our beloved Principal W. Leon Hayes, was also present.

Also in attendance was the winner of our $500 scholarship, Cayla McKinsey, who will attend Southern University in the fall. Ladies dressed in white and men in dark suits lined up and recreated our graduation march from fifty years ago to Pomp and Circumstance! Classmates received plaques commemorating our reunion. A perfect ending to the night was a celebratory toast!

Classmates gathered Sunday morning at Mt. Zion C.M.E. Church for praise and worship. It was indeed a time of Thanksgiving. As always, we took time to remember our deceased classmates at our Memorial Service that was held at the B. F. Martin Community Center Sunday afternoon. Invited to accept roses in honor of our deceased classmates were their family members, who with classmates, formed a memory circle. A reception followed the memorial service. Dear Old Webster, We Love You!

Larry Houston served as Chair and Billy Cosby served as Co-Chair of the reunion committee. P. J. Winzer and Delois Hall served as Chair and Co-Chair, Scholarship Committee, respectively.

Floristene Johnson served as Chair of the Reception, Banquet, and Program Committees. Billy Cosby and Laura Morgan served as Chair and Co-Chair, Registration Committee, respectively. Barbara Bowie served as Chair, Memorial Service Committee.

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