Home Uncategorized Webster Parish Tax Assessor presents tax guides to officials

Webster Parish Tax Assessor presents tax guides to officials

by Minden Press-Herald

Webster Parish fire protection districts now have a step-by-step guide, which hopefully will help officials understand and comply with complex property tax laws and regulations, thanks to the efforts of Webster Parish Tax Assessor Morris Guin.

During Tuesday’s monthly Webster Parish Police Jury meeting, Guin presented “Louisiana Ad Valorem Property Tax Laws and Regulations Compliance Guide for Fire Protection District, Webster Parish,” a bound booklet designed to provide assistance and answer questions.

“In 2014, one of my goals was to meet with the board of directors or commissioners of all 12 Webster Parish fire protection districts for the purpose of providing information, answering questions, assisting with assessment issues and providing support,” Guin said in a news release.

Noting the districts usually operated with limited resources and mostly unpaid, volunteer personnel who found themselves facing highly technical tasks of ensuring the district’s compliance with laws and regulations, which change often, Guin, saw the need to simplify the job.

“We are giving these booklets free of charge to every fire protection district,” Guin said. “In addition to the tax guide, we’re offering ready-to-sign forms, news media advertisements which are required and personal consultation to assist every fire protection district.”

Guin said the assessor’s office would help the districts meet all their property tax compliance requirements.

In other business at Tuesday’s meeting, jury members:

Approved the reappointment of Mack Garrett and Sam Sandlin to the Sarepta Fire District #5 to two year terms, ending Dec. 31, 2016.

Approved reappointing Kenneth Chandler and Mark Clements to two years terms ending Feb. 17, 2017 to the Sibley Fire District #2.

OK’d the Webster Parish Convention and Visitor’s Bureau reappointment of Jerry Madden to a three-year term, ending Dec. 31, 2017, on that group’s board of directors.

Approved $570 to the Webster Parish Head Start program to purchase tablets for the center.

Approved expenses for the police jury convention in New Orleans, an event held Jan. 29 through Feb. 1.

Voted to approve $2,500 toward the purchase of warning sirens for the Town of Sarepta.

Heard reports from department heads at the jury’s offices of Community Services, its Head Start program, from the Webster Parish LSU Ag Center, from assistant assessor Col. (Ret.) Carl Thompson and John Stanley with the Office of Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security.

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