Home NewsLife When structure returns, it leads to better living

When structure returns, it leads to better living

by Minden Press-Herald

Structure is the way of life.  Or is it? I have to say I need structure in my life.  I can fly by the seat of my pants every now and then. But, then things start getting crazy and I have to stop and regroup.

I think everyone needs structure or order in their lives.  We have to have it in all areas or chaos comes into play.

This summer has gone by so fast and we have been very busy.  We have several irons in the fire so to speak, and you add traveling to that, and things can get out of hand real fast.  

Back to school is a good thing for so many people. In the summer, people get off schedule and laid back on a lot of things. I don’t have kids going to school anymore but I know what is was like to get back in routine and structure back in my life.  

This year was no different. Life has been crazy busy this summer and we are loving every moment of it. But, I had to stop myself this week and say time out. I needed to regroup and think a few things through.

 When you don’t have structure going on your life is full of chaos and running around like a chicken with its head cut off.  

First and foremost, I start my morning with prayer.  Without God I am nothing.  Normally, while my husband is in the shower, I’m still in bed. There is no better time to talk to God than before you even get out of bed.  Then, take time to take a shower and eat breakfast.

For me, breakfast is a fueling.  I must fuel my body with in the first hour of waking up.  I have to get my metabolism going.  This wakes it up first thing so it can get a jump start and keep going.  I need all the help I can get.

We all have a daily routine we do, and if we get off track,  we forget something along the way.  I love daily tasks set before me. I am a note taker, and then check it off things.  I still like the old way — on paper.  

We are striving to live a better life — to live above the line. So I am always looking for ways to better “my future self.”  How does that look for you?  

Structure helps us to live a better life and go somewhere.  I don’t want to be where I am at three months from now.  I always am looking at my future self and seeing what I can do now to get to where I want my future self. 

Life is crazy, hard and sometimes not fun.  But I have decided to live my life to the fullest.  I encourage you to wake up every morning with a plan.  Put God first in all that I do and strive to make my life better each day.  

Do I fail at this sometimes?  I sure do.  We all fall short from time to time.  But this is where we pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and make tomorrow a new day.  

Life is a journey! Have fun along the way.

Tina Specht is co-publisher of the Minden Press-Herald. She shares her thoughts and recipes each Thursday.

Food for Thought Recipe

6-Can Casserole


1 can(s) chicken

1 can(s) green beans

1 can(s) cream of mushroom soup

1 can(s) chicken and rice soup

1 can(s) evaporated milk, 5 oz can

1 can(s) crunchy chow mein noodles, reserve 1/2 cup

1/2 lb shredded cheese, reserve 1/2 cup


Dump everything into a casserole dish and mix together. Top with reserved cheese and chow mein noodles. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

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