It was one year ago that an event was held in north Louisiana that had folks excited and turned lots of heads. The inaugural banquet of an organization was held that outdoors people still talk about. It was the initial gathering of a new organization, Whitetails Unlimited, Lincoln Parish chapter.
The reason for all the chatter was the number of people willing to purchase tickets and turn out on a hot August night and the amount of money raised. Upwards of 500 were in attendance of this new event.
We learned a year ago that funds raised at this banquet are handled somewhat differently from those raised at some other groups. Half of the net proceeds generated at the banquet remains in the area for chapter members to utilize to assist and promote local projects. Last year, some $70,000 was raised and after expenses, the local chapter had roughly $20,000 to spend on local projects.
Chapter president, Glenn Scriber, Ruston, along with co-chairman Marty Edmonds and a hard working committee the pair put together was the reason for such success for a first banquet.
“We were humbled at the turn-out and the money raised,” said Scriber. “In fact, we were shocked to learn that of all the Whitetail Unlimited banquets held all across the country last year, our local chapter ranked number one for attendance and net proceeds for a new chapter. The national president of the organization based in Wisconsin will be at this year’s banquet to present us an award for what we were able to do here locally.”
The Lincoln Parish chapter took to heart the opportunity to spend its share of the net proceeds wisely with $7500 going to the local 4-H group shooting team to help with expenses.
“This takes the pressure off the 4-H leadership so they won’t have to spend valuable time and energy raising funds for this program and can concentrate on programs for the youngsters,” Scriber said.
“We also awarded $2500 to Med-Camps for kids, many of whom are disadvantaged. With these funds, they were able to purchase canoes, paddle boats to enable these special youngsters to experience the outdoors.”
This year’s banquet is set for Thursday, August 11 at the Ruston Civic Center. Doors open around 6:00 with delicious meal served around 7:30.
“We have purchased two special deer stands equipped for handicapped youngsters to enable them to deer hunt,” Scriber noted.
“In addition, we have something new this year. My brother, Larry Scriber has built a special 300 WSM deer rifle with scope that is valued at $4500 and some lucky winner will take home that night.
“We have some new sponsors on board this year. Bank of Ruston will assist in providing prizes for kids. One of the new industries coming to town, Monster Moto is a national sponsor of the organization and will be involved in our banquet,” he added.
The goal this year is to exceed the success of last year’s record-setting banquet. The group has a goal of selling 550 tickets to the banquet and if last year was any indication, this is an attainable goal. Ticket prices are the same as last year; $40 for an adult, $60 for husband and wife and $20 for kids under age 15.
For ticket information, contact Glenn Scriber at 680-4658 or Marty Edmonds at 413-1348. In addition, McKinney Honda and Outdoor Super Store will have tickets available.
Glynn Harris Outdoor column is sponsored by D.C. Pawn in Minden