Home » WPPJ Awarded 2022 Keep Louisiana Beautiful beautification grant

WPPJ Awarded 2022 Keep Louisiana Beautiful beautification grant

by Minden Press-Herald

The Webster Parish Police Jury (WPPJ) has been selected as a recipient of the 2022 Keep Louisiana Beautiful beautification grant by Keep Louisiana Beautiful, the state’s premier anti-litter and community improvement organization. 

This year’s grant, in the amount of $3,630 will provide funding to install a new sign with lighting to direct citizens to the police jury office. Funding will also provide new landscaping that will enhance the beauty of an intersection on Minden’s historic Main Street. The landscaping will include native Louisiana plants. 

This project will not only revitalize a street corner by removing remnants of the old bank sign anchor point and electrical boxes, but it will also assist citizens in finding the Webster Parish Police Jury office by installing a new sign along the roadway. 

“Citizens have a hard time finding the police jury office for permitting and things like when it serves as a voting precinct,” said Webster Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director Brian Williams, who found and applied for the grant. “I’m excited to be able to help the WPPJ secure funding to install a new sign with landscaping and LED lights, dedicated to Bernard Hudson, to illuminate it at night. This project will not only provide direction for our citizens, but it will also revitalize the old flower bed at the street corner on Main near the courthouse.”

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