Home » City of Springhill holds restoration dedication for the Springhill is Special, Coca-Cola mural

City of Springhill holds restoration dedication for the Springhill is Special, Coca-Cola mural

by Minden Press-Herald

As we embark on the revitalization of our downtown area, it is with great reverence and excitement that we announce the restoration of a beloved piece of Springhill’s history: the iconic Springhill is Special, Coca-Cola Mural.
This mural holds a special place in the heart of our community, having been funded by Coca-Cola originally in the mid-1990’s, in the same prolific era that the City of Springhill received its Historic District designation and the Springhill Main Street program was initiated. This mural has stood as a symbol of our commitment to preserving our historic buildings and culture since the very beginning of our journey.
We are thrilled to extend a heartfelt shout out to the remarkable talent of Artist Chanda Nail and the dedicated students of the North Webster High School Talented Art program for their outstanding contribution to our community. Under the guidance of their inspiring leader, eleven students poured countless hours and days into the restoration of this vital piece of Springhill’s history, bringing it back to its former grandeur just in time for Love the Boot Week.
We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Minden for their generous funding of this project a second time – truly exemplifying what it means to do business in and support a community.
Springhill is indeed special, and it is thanks to the visionaries and investors like these that our communities continue to thrive. Hats off to all those who believe in the potential of Springhill and actively invest in its realization.
As we breathe new life into our downtown, it is fitting that we begin with the restoration of this cherished mural. It serves not only as a testament to our past, but also as a beacon of hope for our future. It signifies the starting point of our collective effort to spring back and ensure that the spirit of Springhill continues to thrive for generations to come.

Present at the dedication were Amie Poladian – Executive Director Springhill Main Street; Ronda Taylor – Executive Director, Springhill-North Webster Chamber of Commerce; Derek Melancon – City of Springhill Alderman District 5; D. Nicole Frazier – City of Springhill Alderman, District 1; Steven Lingenfelter – President, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Minden; Anthony Morris – Sales Manager, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Minden; Russell Brown – General Manager, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Minden; Butch Lynd – Building Owner, Springhill Main Street; Terry Connolly, Gwen Greene, Virgil Moore, and Kathy Davis – Krewe of Artemis; Chanda Nail – Program Director, North Webster High School Talented Art; and North Webster High School Talented Art Students – Kearah Bruns, Kyisha Bruns, Madalynn Craighead, Rebecca Downs, Azzyria Johnson, Ava Litton, Mahailey Nail, Taylor Roberson, Sadie Smith, Makenzie Stephens, and Keyshawn Watson.

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