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Artist shares wisdom in new book

by Minden Press-Herald

Cherished for his creative abilities and contributions to local arts and museum organizations, Larry Milford, who turned 74 this week, is sharing his work and his life through a book he has written.

‘Touched by His Divine Appointment’ was officially released earlier this month at a book signing, and Milford said he hopes his work can inspire readers.

“We take so much for granted in our everyday lives,” he said. “This book points out those tiny miracles I’ve experienced in my life. I want people to be able to see how there are wonderful things happening in their life, if they will pay attention.”
Milford said many of his miracles have been manifested by encounters with people in the community.

“People can provide assurance and affirmations to each other,” he said. “I’ve had my share of beat-downs and difficult moments.

That’s the other side of what we can encounter with people, but we can’t let that stop us from being a lift-up, instead of a beat-up kind of person.”

Milford graduated from Minden High School in 1960 and after having a career and living in Shreveport for many years, he knew when God called him to come home to Minden.

“I just felt this urge to come home and play my part here,” he said. “I knew when I left Shreveport that I had been inspired to tell my story and share with others. I’m not perfect; this is more about me wanting to share my awareness with others.”

Milford said he has been through a lot in his life, placing him in a position to live on faith, and be mindful of his walls, attitude and gratitude.

“People have judged me and hurt me based on their perception of me, or what I am like, or who they think I am,” he said. “And that’s something everyone can relate to, but it doesn’t have to define us.”

Covering a lifetime’s worth of memorable experiences, important exchanges and moments of reflection, Milford guides readers with his personal stories, poems, photography and artwork.

Milford is a graduate from Louisiana Tech with a degree in design in 1964 and is an acclaimed artist, sculptor and design consultant.

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