Juliuna Anderson
Maria Gonzalez
Minden Press-Herald
The December 8 day for run-off elections was held Saturday. Winners of Minden City Council seats were Vincen “Cheese” Bradford for District C, Keith Beard in District D, and Pamela T. “Pam” Bloxom for District E.
They will join Herbert “Tycoon” Taylor of District A and Terika “Reek” Williams of District B.
The City Council and Mayor-Elect, Terry Gardner will be sworn in December 27.
North Webster Results
Runoff Results
Springhill’s City Council will be adding two new faces to the 2019 mix – Stacey Willard and Ronnie Hearnsberger.
Willard triumphed over former District 3 Alderman, Ross Fleming, with an impressive 74% of the vote.
“My overall goal is to work with my fellow city council members and our new mayor [Ray Huddleston] to make Springhill a better community, for both current and future generations,” said Willard. “I’m thankful for all of the votes and support. It’s exciting and sobering all at the same time.”
Ronnie Hearnsberger and Dennis Smith ran a much closer race for the position of District 2 Alderman, being evenly matched at 50%, but Hearnsberger managed 112 votes to Smith’s 110.
Both Willard and Hearnsberger will assume their new positions on January 1, 2019, along with other newly elected city officials.