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Candidate Profiles: Springhill Alderman – Dist. 1

by Minden Press-Herald

(This is the ninth in a series of articles profiling several local election candidates. We asked each candidate the same four questions.)

Chucky Lane

Why did you want to run?

I see a need for change and I believe that I can be that change. I believe that there is a disconnect between our community and the present Alderman that has left us divided these last eight years. I ran to erase that divisive line and to unite our community. To make our neighborhoods great again. I ran to restore, replenish, and revive a community that has been neglected the last eight years.

Why should someone vote for you?

I’m a lifelong resident of Springhill. My wife Toni and I have been married over 12 years and we are raising our two children, whom both attend North Webster High School right here in Springhill, so I have a vested interest in wanting to see the city and our community prosper. I don’t think anyone else offers the big picture vision of what our community can be, like I do. I pray that people have faith, and can see that I will bring their thoughts and ideas to the table and represent our District with integrity and pride.

What do you want voters to know about you?

I am very passionate about whatever task I put my mind to and I will work hard to complete said task. I will work diligently with the new mayor and other council members for the betterment of District 1 and Springhill as a whole. I will never forget that there is no “I” in team. I take issue with the ideology that any one person can take credit for the success or failure of a community. It is time that our elected officials and those whom we entrust to protect and serve, to put aside ideological and personal differences and work together to make our communities safe again.

What are your goals?

In District 1, our streets need to be repaired and, if elected, I plan on working with the council and mayor in hopes of coming up with a comprehensive master plan for street improvements and repair. I want to inquire about putting in sidewalks in our district. There are abandoned homes in our community that desperately need upkeep and repair. Working alongside the council, police, and mayor, I plan on coming up with viable options to see what ordinances are in place that cover property standards and to see if those ordinances need to be revised and or updated. A Neighborhood Watch Program is a great way for neighbors to look out for one another and that’s something that I definitely plan to bring to our District.

D. Nicole Frazier

Why did you want to run?

I decided to run for District 1 Alderman, because I am dutifully dedicated to public service. I chose to run, because I know that we can effect positive change in the life of District 1 and the entire City of Springhill. Our desire is to raise the quality of life for all the citizens of Springhill. Furthermore, I am the incumbent with experience and a strong work ethics. Our work speaks for itself. In summary, I am looking forward to working for the people of Springhill.

Why should someone vote for you?

Someone should vote for me because voting and democracy is very important in a nation. Democracy provides people an opportunity to voice their opinion and vote for what they believe in. I hope that I have earned their vote.

What do you want your voters to know about you?

First and foremost I give glory to our Creator! I want my voters to know that I am a lifelong learner. On my educational journey, I started at Bossier Parish Community College and earned a degree in Business Management. In the process of developing a unique perspective of looking at life; I attended Southern Arkansas University and earned a Bachelor of Science (Political Science) with a Minor in History. For that purpose, I am currently in pursuit of a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) at Southern Arkansas University. In addition, I was the keynote speaker at Southern Arkansas University for the Political Science Affairs Club; Table Talk Edition. I am professional, ambitious, and purpose driven. My education and experience has prepared me to be your District 1 Alderman.

What are your goals?

(1) Brown Upper Elementary sidewalks. (2) West Side Community Activity Center renovations and West Side Baseball Park Beautification Project (3) Keep District 1 Beautiful Initiative (4) Complete the Balar comprehensive street plan (5) District 1 Town Hall Meetings (6) Continuously improving neighborhoods, District 1 events such as; but not limited to: North Webster Black History Parade, West Side Stars, Spring Break Extravaganza and other projects

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