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Character Flaws

by David Specht

Many of us have heard the old adage “ God doesn’t call the perfect he perfects the called.” You may think it sounds cliché but it is proven true in the Bible time and time again. God called several people to do incredible and amazing things and almost all of them had a major character flaw. Take for example Abram(Abraham) he lied because he thought he was protecting himself from harm. Or Moses who was a murderer. And final Saul (Paul) who was a persecutor and murderer of Christians. These men all had their character flaws but that’s not where their stories end. Abraham became the father of nations. Moses followed the call of the lord and spoke to pharaoh is his name which resulted in him leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. And Paul became one of God’s most faithful apostles and author of much of the new testament. I give these examples to encourage everyone to let God use you. Don’t let the mistakes of the past or the problems of the present hinder your future in Christ.

Bernard Harris III is a Haughton fireman and a local resident of Minden.

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