Home » Junkin


by Minden Press-Herald

By Fannie Moore

Visiting and prowling through Flea Markets is one of my favorite pastimes.That’s the first thing I want to do when I go to Hot Springs or Branson. You just never know what you will find.

 Not too long ago I became addicted to some TV programs where the people involved have the same love, only more so.

 JUNK GYPSIES, FLEA MARKET FLIP, and SALVAGE DAWGS were now on my “must see” list. Sounds like some really sophisticated viewing, doesn’t it?

I’m always amazed at how they can take a piece of “junk” and make something entirely new and different with it. And I know people in real-life who can do the same. But, there’s where the line is drawn between the expert, artistic junkers and the wannabes, like me.

Several years ago I planned to try a relatively easy craft. Notice the operative word “planned”. My noble intentions were to make clocks for both sons, using the little kits purchased at a craft store. I had two beautiful pictures of an elk taken while on vacation in Canada. I had enlargements made and was going to use them, affixed to a shellacked board to make into clocks.

Well, the kits are probably still hanging on the wall in the shop, the boards were never cut and finished, and I ran across the pictures a few days ago while looking for another picture.

 Another idea was a Christmas project which I saw in a magazine. When I saw it, there went the usual thought, “I can do that.” I took a picture and kept it on my cell phone for inspiration. The only thing different was I planned to use a red bird instead of the blue one pictured.  The item was a large bowl containing artificial snow, some evergreen branches and two birds. I purchased the container and hit a dead end. Where was I supposed to find exactly what I needed and could I assemble it when I got it?

You guessed correctly. I finally called a friend who was expert in these projects as he was a professional. Could he help? The answer was yes and I took him my bowl and he easily made a beautiful piece with it.

Still, I had not learned my lesson. A few weeks ago, I purchased a six-paned window with plans to frame pictures of our parents and grandparents. Not knowing exactly how to start, I questioned a young lady who had done a similar one. Now I felt confident I could do it.

The next step was to locate the pictures I needed. No trouble with Hubby’s side of the family as I found them pretty quickly. My side of the family was a different story.

I located my maternal grandparents, finally located my parents, but could not find my paternal grandfather. This picture is a small shot of just him as my grandmother died when the children were young. But, I planned how I would display this one, when I  found it.

Those of you who know me realize I have thousands of pictures and also I’m not an organized person. Therefore, I’m still searching for that small photograph.

It was while scrambling through files, folders and pictures that I came across the pictures of the elk. Love the pictures and I put them aside where I could easily find them should I ever decide to return to the clock project.

Now, my quest is to locate my Grandpa so I can hang him, along with my other ancestors.

Ever felt like hanging your ancestors? Maybe that’s what junkin’ does to a person.

Fannie Moore is a journalist who lives in Shongaloo where she enjoys writing on a variety of subjects.

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