Achieving goals can be challenging and with many preparing to set New Year resolutions. Life coach and mentor Trasheda Toliver has suggestions for finding success in goal setting.
“A lot of people set themselves up for failure,” she said. “When people set extreme goals it can even be detrimental and cause issues with their daily lives, rather than improving things.”
Toliver said the real success is in making small changes that lead to a better life. She suggested first indentifying an achievable goal and creating a plan that allows enough time for the goal to be realized.
“What you should focus on is going forward, moving from point “A” to point “B,”not necessarily crossing the finish line.”
Toliver said there is a balance between holding yourself accountable and with over-committing.
“Getting outside assistance from a life coach, counselor, or a person you are close to can be very helpful,” she said. “But it’s also important your goal is for you and is kept private. It shouldn’t necessarily be broadcasted. That can actually hinder progress.”
Toliver, who is the chief executive director for Matters of the Heart, works with families who are in need of assisted living.
“We often work with families and help set goals for people with disabilities and issues to overcome,” she said. “Support systems are important and can help a person in their pursuits- from taking better care of health or over coming a physical issue to making financial plans.”
Toliver said set backs will happen, “but you have to keep on trying to obtain success.”