Home News Minden Airport to receive $108k for runway rehab

Minden Airport to receive $108k for runway rehab

by Minden Press-Herald

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced $1 million in grants will be awarded to the Louisiana 4th Congressional District, including the City of Minden, for airport improvements and updates.

The Minden Airport will receive $108,000 for runway rehabilitation.

This grant funds the design phase to rehabilitate 5,004 feet of Runway 1/19 to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement and to minimize foreign object debris.

Minden Airport is a general aviation airport, designated as local, as defined in the FAA’s National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) report.

U.S. Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04) said, “Our local aviation industries are economic generators. They play an essential role in producing jobs, income and access to other markets for the surrounding communities and the state of Louisiana.

“It is vital we continue to prioritize them and make sure they have the resources needed to run as efficiently and successfully as possible. We are thankful for the opportunity to make these improvements and look forward to the many great things to come as a result,” he added via an emailed statement.

The City of Leesville, and Allen and Beauregard Parishes will also receive grants.

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