Home » Minden’s Miller in DC during Bush funeral

Minden’s Miller in DC during Bush funeral

by Minden Press-Herald

Minden resident, Patrick Miller took part in a historic moment for the nation this week as he attended the funeral procession of former president George H. W. Bush. Miller was in Washington D.C. for meetings with a federal agency when he heard the procession would be taking place.

“We heard on Monday morning that Wednesday would be a Federal holiday due to the National Day of Mourning for 41,” Miller said.

Though Miller was working at his hotel, he decided to walk the three blocks to Pennsylvania Avenue to watch the funeral procession.

“There, I met folks from all walks of life who wanted to join in the historic event. It was truly an amazing experience to join in something with other Americans,” Miller said.

Miller said all museums, Arlington National Cemetery, and the National Archives were open during his time in Washington D.C.  which added to his memorable visit.

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