Once again, the Minden City Council Meeting did not have enough present members to hold a quorum. The only difference this time was that Mayor Terry Gardner did get into contact with Councilman Vincen Bradford of Dist. C before the meeting, but unfortunately that was simply to let Gardner know that he would not be able to attend today’s meeting due to his health.
“I did get a text message as recently as 30 minutes ago from Mr. Bradford, that his health will not allow him to come to the meeting today,” said Gardner.
No comments were made by either Councilman Pam Bloxum or Keith Beard, though another Special City Council Meeting was scheduled for next Wednesday, May 27, at 10 a.m.
This meeting will not be like the previous ones, however. While there has been two months’ worth of items on the agenda piling up since the Councilman’s absences, Gardner decided to announce that the next agenda will only have one item on it, that being the CARES grant for the Minden Airport. This seems to be one final attempt to get the item passed before the June 1 deadline.
“There will be one item on the agenda only. The only item on the agenda is to approve the COVID-19 grant for the Minden airport. This is a 30,000 dollar grant that we need to get approved so we can get it back down to Baton Rouge by the first of June so we will not lose this CARES grant,” said Gardner.
The next Special City Council Meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, May 27, at 10 a.m. People can view the meeting through the city’s Youtube Channel titled, City of Minden – Feels Like Home.