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Red Ribbon week begins on Monday

by Minden Press-Herald

Special to the Minden Press-Herald

Webster Parish Schools will celebrate Red Ribbon Week October 22-26, 2018. This year’s theme is “Life Is A Journey. Live Drug Free.” Webster Parish Safe Schools Coordinator and Community Liaison Ursula Hullaby says that the students look forward to this campaign, every year and they become more passionate about sharing the “Drug Free” message every year.

Schools in the district will have various activities on their campuses during the week. The third annual Red Ribbon Week Kickoff will be Monday, October 22, 2018 at the Minden School Track from 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Students will enjoy Red Ribbon Week with fun and fellowship. Students will be challenged to remain drug free, make good choices, and never let anyone tell them they can not be successful.

Performances will provided by spirit squads, dance lines, and school choral members. Red Ribbon Week serves as a vehicle for communities and individuals to take a stand for the hopes and dreams of children through a commitment to live drug free lives.

Red Ribbon week commemorates the ultimate sacrifice made by DEA Special Agent Enrique “KiKi” Camarena who died at the hands of drug traffickers in Mexico while fighting the battle against illegal drugs.

Today, Red Ribbon Week is nationally recognized and celebrated, helping to preserve Special Agent Camarena’s memory and furthering the cause for which he gave his life. The Red Ribbon Week Campaign has also become a symbol of support for the DEA’s effort to reduce the demand for drugs through prevention and education programs. By wearing a red ribbon, Americans demonstrate their ardent opposition to drugs. Homage is not only paid to Special Agent Camarena but to all men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in support of our nation’s struggle against drug trafficking and abuse.

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