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Trishel speaks at Lions Club weekly luncheon

by Minden Press-Herald

Sarah Trishel spoke at the Lions Club weekly luncheon Thursday.

Trishel is a district conservationist at the Minden Field Office of the United States Department of Agriculture.

She spoke on the Natural Resource Conservation Service. A federal program established in 1935 originally named the Soil Conservation Service with the goal of preserving farmland, its current name was put in place in 1994.

Trishel explained various programs the NRCS has available. Programs such as the Environmental Quality Incentive Program, the Conservation Stewardship Program and the Wetland Reserve Easement Program incentivize conservation amongst farm owners.

“Everything that we do on our property doesn’t stay on our property,” Trishel said on the importance of conservation.

For more information on the USDA and the NRCS visit www.nrcs.usda.gov or the Minden Office at 216 Broadway St.

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