Home News City Council reflects over the past year and wishes the best for Minden in 2020

City Council reflects over the past year and wishes the best for Minden in 2020

by Will Phillips

When asked for comments at the end of the Special Council Meeting held Monday afternoon, some council members took the opportunity to reflect and share their thoughts on the past year while others simply chose to wish the public happy holidays and a happy new year.

Councilman Terika Williams-Walker took the time to state what she is on the Council for, as well as standing by the decisions that she has made in the past year.

“This has been a hell of a year, being here in this position, but what I am committed to is the welfare of the majority of the people. Not the wants and whims of the few that are privileged. That’s not why I’m here. I’m here to represent the city. I don’t apologize for any way I’ve voted or anything I’ve done, because I’m here to represent everyone, and do what’s best for the majority of people,” said Councilman Terika Williams-Walker.

Next to give a public comment was Councilman Keith Beard, who spoke of the overwhelming public support that he’s received in the past few months and his hopes for the new year. 

“I would like to say, as far as the council, I’m the newcomer. Been here about four years in Minden. I love my house, I love my neighborhood, I have great neighbors, and I enjoy being here. I wanna say thank you to the overwhelming support and encouragement that I’ve had from people that I don’t even know. People have messaged me, they’ve emailed me, they’ve called me. I’ve even got some cards mailed to me, and that has been a blessing to me. So I thank you for that. As Terika said, I want to do what’s best for the City of Minden. When we ran, a lot of comments were made by people that have been here your whole lives that this is your hometown and you love it, and I see why. I love it here too, and you want it to be the best it can be, so that is my prayer and my hope for the next year, 2020. That we will see some great improvements made in our city and some great things happen,” said Beard.

Councilman Pam Bloxom chose to comment on the success of the recent Christmas event, and give recognition to some of the different departments and organizations that took part. 

“I want to thank everybody who was involved in Friday and Saturday events downtown. The City of Minden, all the employees for decorating, the Mainstreet Board, the Chamber of Commerce, the Tourism Commission, those involved with the fireworks display, which was absolutely gorgeous, and last but certainly not least the Minden Police Department who are always there when we need you. With all that being said, we are all fortunate to be here and live in this community and I want everyone to have a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” said Bloxom.

The last to speak was Mayor Terry Gardner, who also chose to thank the groups who helped with Christmas in Minden, as well as inviting the public to ask him any questions about the City or Council.

“It took a group of people to pull this off. The Chamber, the Young Women’s Service Club, tourism, Steve and his crew at City Artworks, I’m sure I’m leaving somebody out. Everybody from across the community, including New Orleans, Monroe, Haughton, they all came and enjoyed our town. I’d also like to thank Brenda Perryman. I called and asked her how much a trip would be, and she told me that the trees weren’t for sale, that she was selling her house. She called me back within five minutes and told me that she would love to donate that tree in the memory of her husband Wayne. So I accepted that donation, and everyone in town is enjoying the tree,” said Gardner.

“I have an open-door policy in my office, I’m very transparent. If you have a question about something, including the council sitting up here, come by, call me, I’ll answer the question. If I don’t know the question, which a lot of times I don’t, because I’m in the first year of my term, I’ll send them down and get the correct answer. That’s how I operate. I’m not ashamed to tell you I don’t know something.

With that said, I hope everybody has an amazing Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and I hope everybody’s families are prosperous, and I hope the city will continue to unify and come together.”

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