Home News Webster Parish School Board announces 4-day school week with Louisiana in Phase 3

Webster Parish School Board announces 4-day school week with Louisiana in Phase 3

by Will Phillips

The Webster Parish School Board released this statement on Friday regarding changes that schools will be seeing as a result of Louisiana transitioning into Phase 3 of re-opening:

“The WPSB will continue to follow our Reconnect Webster 2020 Plan by implementing the plan’s protocol for Phase 3:

*Hybrid students (A/B) grades Pre-K through 12 will report to school Monday, September 21, 2020 for face-to-face instruction Monday-Thursday each week. Fridays will remain a virtual instruction day for all students until at least the end of the 9 week grading period (November 6).

District officials will then evaluate current LDOE, Louisiana Department of Health, and BESE guidelines to determine the schedule moving into the second 9 weeks.

*Webster TechConnect (100% virtual) students will continue their virtual plan unless principal is contacted and SBLC meeting is held to discuss extenuating circumstances. The Webster TechConnect program will continue through the entire 2020-21 school year without interruption.

General Information:

*All CDC/LDOE guidelines will remain in place: mask requirements, hand washing, social distancing to the maximum extent possible.

*The Transportation Department will follow current guidelines as determined by Louisiana Phase 3 guidelines.

*Breakfast and lunch procedures will remain the same.

*Students should still bring their charged Chromebooks to school each and every day.

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