Home » Minden Junior Civitan Club Presents the Servant’s Heart Award

Minden Junior Civitan Club Presents the Servant’s Heart Award

by Minden Press-Herald

Special to the Minden Press-Herald

The Minden Junior Civitan Club will honor Angelita Police Hudson with the Civitan International Servant’s Heart Award at the Minden City Council meeting April 1st 2019 at 5:30 p.m. The award is presented by local Civitan clubs in communities across North America in recognition of outstanding service to people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). 

Angelita Police Hudson was nominated for her work in the field of (I/DD) affiliated Mar-C Industries. She lives in Shreveport but has worked in the Minden area, on and off since 1990. She has a Bachelor’s degree from Northwestern State University in Natchitoches. Hudson has been associated with MAR-C Industries for the last 14 years. First as a consultant and, for the last 7 12 years, as the Executive Director. She has worked with people with various disabilities, including Autism, for over 32 years. 

The Servant’s Heart Award is a multi-disciplinary award recognizing outstanding teachers, therapists, paraprofessionals, social workers, mentors or others working with individuals with I/DD. The award is an initiative of Civitan International, which has made service to people with I/DD a major focus for more than 70 years. 

The Minden Junior Civitan Club meets monthly. The club exists to identify the needs of the local community and works to meet those needs through service projects, fundraising and awareness. If you have a heart for service and want to learn more about joining The Minden Junor Civitan Club, contact Ethan Jeffus, Club President 318.517.2944 

Junior Civitan International, founded in 1927, is an organization of volunteer clubs dedicated to the idea of service to others. Clubs around the world support a variety of causes but are united in the common bond of service to citizens with I/DD and support of the Civitan International Research Center—a leading research facility studying Autism, Down Syndrome, Alzheimer’s and a variety of brain-related disorders. To learn more, visit www.juniorcivitan.org 

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